Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Love - Running Shoes

No amount of self persuasion or coercion could get me to the pool tonight. Sigh. My friends stopped the class and I found no motivation to enter the water. Very reluctantly. So I headed for the next path of least resistance, to my running shoes.

Alas, my calves and lower calves were so tight, no kidding. They were like rock solid 'bloated', and felt impossible to run with that heaviness. So I waddled along. Poor Alber had to keep jogging on the spot, running backwards and all sorts, just to wait for me.

We went up Morse Road, the usual 6km route. But we turned up a flight of stairs back onto MF loop, instead of running past clubhouse for a second round. A little confusing for my first time, but I soon understood the route.

Total: 12km.

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