Sunday, April 22, 2012

Post-Jeju Struggles-to-Run

We had such a good time feasting in Jeju and Seoul, I was most reluctant to get back into running mode. Random did a smattering of runs, short ones in the mornings, extremely lazy. And obviously not enough to burn off all the excess Korean calories that have been deposited on my butt.

Attempted the MTB trail once, but got caught in ankle-deep loose mud near Rifle Range road. My shoes sank in and nearly lost one that got stuck in the mud. Yucks. So then I switched to running on the Rifle Range tarmac. Hit the end of the road and u-turned. It was a very short route, just about 52min in the mornings.

On the first weekend post-Jeju, I ran my usual trail route to MR. Met up with W, KH and group and did three-quarters of the MR loop with them, and ran home. Was "chiu" on the way back. Age is upon me, the legs are not recovering fast enough. :(

This week was the same, a couple of random runs in the mornings and evenings. It was "study week" and there were no classes. So I could go to Safra for an evening run. Alber took me along the new Labrador boardwalk and we ran into Reflections and the newly done-up Keppel Bay area. Very scenic, it reminded me of the Vancouver waterfront.

I managed to get Alber to join me this morning for the long run. It was the same arrangement as last week, ran to MR and met up with friends for the MR loop, and ran home. It was very hot on the way back and we were melting. Alas, the run did nothing to reduce my water-retention or weight, I felt like an elephant on the run this morning. Sigh.

Back to my revisions. Studying and assignments are so detrimental to the waistline...! Too much sitting around and snacking!

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