Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lazy Swim

It was half-day in the office today. Boss treated the whole department to lunch. I had no plans in particular, so I returned to the office to sort out emails. In the evening, I went to Safra for a swim. I wonder if I still remembered how to swim after 3 weeks' break.

The gym closed early but the pool was still opened. There were a number of swimmers but I could still squeeze into a lane for laps. Lazily, I did 20 laps. Arms and back ached a little. Those muscles had gone to sleep for 3 weeks too. Took a lazy shower and headed to Ya Kun for runny eggs (which I missed so much in Nepal).

I was so tired in the night, I slept through the TV's live telecast of fireworks during the countdown. Not much of a party for me. I felt a flu creeping in. Sniff.

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