Wednesday, February 10, 2010

YF Strides Day 5

I have no idea how I pulled my left butt muscle, but I did. Coach got us to do the one-legged- squat-touch-ground drill. My leg butt was very tight, I just could not go down properly. It was not a muscle pain, but a sharp pull. The kind of locked-tension that felt like the muscle might *twang* if I forced my squat down. I kept stretching in the middle of the drills, but the tightness would not go away. :( I might try rolling over a golf ball tonight.

Anyhow, static drills tonight: 6 sets of:
1. one-legged squat, alternate (L, R, L, R...) x12
2. push-up-kick-leg x12
3. side planks, alternate 30sec each
4. half-squat, alternate leg x12

Then 3x 2.4km
1. Moderate pace: 14:05min = slightly under 6min pace
2. Slightly faster: 12:34min = slightly above 5min pace
3. Tempo: 11:53min = slightly under 5min pace

Oh my poor butt.... why a sharp pain? :(

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