Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hello Shoes! I'm Back!

Three weeks since my last post. My runs had been as smattering as my blogging. A couple of morning runs, all under an hour (translate: bad... too short), were all I managed over the weeks. I still kept up the long runs over the weekends, but those were getting slower and slower. Where the route from my house to MR and back used to take 2:45 - 2:50h, I was clocking 3h now. *shake head*

Then I laid off for one entire week, and had bouts of ups and downs (mostly downs) for the next two weeks. Runs were so lethargic, I walked an awful lot. Something was not quite right.

Anyhow, I'm so glad things are sort of back under control, and I'm fitted snuggly into my shoes again. :)  Happily went out for my long run this morning. Glad to report that apart from burning legs (because of the stair-climbing last night), I was not out of breath and totally enjoying the run by myself. :)

Hello shoes! Yes, I'm back to hit the trails again! :)

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