I woke up this morning feeling an immense urge to use my swanky new cleats and install aero-bars for the upcoming Powerman. The flat, long race route was an incentive to test the gear, because we would not have that sort of condition in local races. The grand crazy plan was to fix on the Look pedals and go to Lim Chu Kang stretch for a few loops to practise my cleats technique. I could even throw in a 2-3km run for a little brick training! Brilliant! Part of the motivation was because I had no training plans for the evening, and was itching for some workout.
But as the day went by, I was feeling less and less confident. I hate to fall over, and beginners in cleats always crash. As a 'backup' training, I went for Andrew's RPM class followed by a 10-min dreadmill plod. His class was always a high-energy hit. I forgot whatever lactic that had accumulated in my legs over the week, and charged all out as he directed. The idea was to get the legs really sng to make up for the short duration before jumping on the dreadmill.
Thankfully for the little workout. Because later in the night, Alvin and I tried and couldn't remove the old pedals from my bike. So my grand cleats plan fell apart. Oh well, I'll have to bring my bike to Millen for servicing tomorrow, so I might try again to convince myself to affix those new gear for the race next week. A wee bit suicidal, I'm not heeding my own advice of never trying new stuff on race day..... Oops.
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