Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kent Ridge Hill Repeats

Deja vu. We were back at Kent Ridge Park today. Flashback to my miserable Sunday run through KR and Science Park. Oops. Today we ran to KR Park via Hort Park and Cantebury. It was a shorter way to KR. 5 loops on the hills. It seemed daunting. I didn't think my legs would be up to it. Had flashes of discomfort at weird places. Maybe it was just anxiety. 5 loops, here I go. I was slightly late, hence started the loop after everyone else. Managed to slowly catch up and overtake a few runners. Bit by bit, the loops went by. 1, 2, 3, ... I thought I was never going to finish the run. I was afraid of my ITB flare up and did not dare to stride widely. Finally, 5th round. Pressed on up the slope and finished the loops. The return to Safra was via Hort Park, which was in total darkness. It was difficult to see the path ahead and try not to trip.

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