Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Track Intervals

Decided to forego swim class and join in the Safra run. Interval training tonight. Gosh, must have been 6 months since I last did interval. Legs and lungs were certainly not conditioned. 5x 1.2km intervals. Ong set us a target of 2min per 400m, ie. 6min per set. While most runners had a time target, my focus was 'not kill myself or legs'. Hmmm.... mindset problem? Chairman, shouting out times by the side, said I was running 'too easily'. Maybe I was paranoid about running round and round a track. That was how I injured my left knee last year, doing 3x 4km long intervals. That was 30 rounds (12km)! So I was naturally wary of track work now. During the 2nd set, I thought I felt my knee somewhat weird. I decided to stop at the 3rd set. I ended up with a 6:08min, 6:05min, and lastly 5:57min. Running back to Club by myself, I had the mental space to think through plans and work, and sorting out all sorts of nitty gritty. I took the longer Harbour Front route.

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