Thursday, July 10, 2008

Longest Run

I did my first 14km run since Sundown. It started off angsty, a very very angsty run. I was very slow and the runners were very fast. I was easily 50m behind them, then 100m, then out of sight. The cough was still there, every 4-5min or so and the throat would irritate. So the first 30min of the run was a lot of angst, frustration and self-reproach. But 30min later, the angst was gone, I had no more energy to be arguing with myself and I started to relax. The weather was cool, after a shower, the air was crisp. I started to enjoy the coolness and the quietness of the surroundings at Portsdown. I jogged slowly and evenly. By 50min, I realized that I was no longer coughing or wheezing. The heart had probably warmed up to the steady rhythm and I could jog unaffectedly. It took me a long time to return to Safra. But I didn't care. I encouraged myself that it was a blessing to be able to still run, the mere action of putting one foot in front of the other for more than an hour. It was my longest run since I can't remember when. But it was decent. For love of running. No speed. Why bother?

1 comment:

warriorsofwind said...

I'm glad you have thought it through. This has been the most encouraging posting since your Sundown Marathon. "You are what you are" - there's no need to compare yourself with others and we should cherish the moment when we can still run and enjoy it while many can't.
