Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Seminar on High Performance Training

Coach Guy Oden conducted a seminar for a roomful of runners this evening. About 60 runners attended, which was very good response considering my initial target was about 30. :)

I took away many useful tips as well, which challenged a couple of "conventional" or existing things & trainings that we do. Eg. never do static stretching immediately before a training or race, but do dynamic stretching instead. I liked also that he demonstrated some stretching and showed video clips of exercises that are running specific (ie. mimic the running gait/ posture -which I had read in RW). Eg. holding light free weights in both hands & forward swing (running swing), or why place leg on the MR entry-barpole to stretch when we're not hurdlers. Haha.

Oops, forgot to bring paper but managed to salvage a precious A4 from my attendance list & scribbled furiously. I guess I retained abt $4 of knowledge from the talk. The other $2 of cakes also retained themselves somewhere on my waist....

Oh and, according to Guy, I would use up 2 precious marathon lives this Saturday. I probably outlived my 9 quota already. :)

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