Thursday, September 11, 2008

Spin & Pilates

I went to F's again to massage my knee. I was hoping and hoping that it was not the dreaded ITB. Actually, I was not sure, it was purely my own diagnosis and guess-timates. F wanted to bandage the knee with medicated cream, but I wanted to go for RPM. I guessed I was not going to heed his protests against my spinning tonight. I was going for a short weekend trip, with lots of food and sleep and no workouts. I just had to spin.

Andrew took the RPM class this evening at ORQ. I had missed so many of my regular RPM Challenge classes (extra 10min workout). :( Good to see Tommy at the class too. Andrew rode his roadie to the gym. Nice piece of carbon! Then I stayed on for Pilates. Might as well condition and stretch more since I could not run. Could not recall all the poses and stretches we did, but it felt like a good stretch. Maybe I should do it more often. My flexibility was horrendous.

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