Friday, September 10, 2010

Breakthrough 1.5h

It was a glorious morning. My friends were all out riding, long and hard. Me? Too slack and lazy. I decided to go for another trial run, this time using my brand new Asics. Perhaps my old shoes were rather flat and stiff, and not helping with my injury.

Off I went, bouncing in the new gels. It was hard work sucking in the core, holding it tight all the way. I went to the Clementi PCN. I managed to get past, 30min, ok. 40min, ok. I had to rub my lower back on the run, but nothing major.

So I thought I would aim for 1.5h of run time. So I extended into Sunset Way, winding through the private estate and big houses. 1h. Ok, still there. Core was tight but somewhat breathless. I must be doing it wrong. Headed home, 1:10h, ok. 1:20ish, somewhat fatigue - more from an over-doing it fatigue than any sharp pain. Home, 1:30h. :)

I spent another hour on the trigger ball and stretches. It was so so shiok to have the ball on my back. Oh the soreness....

*more hopeful*

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