Saturday, September 4, 2010

Test Run

Physio told me to try a run today. 20min run, 5min break, 20-5-10-5-10. Total of 60min run, with 5min regular breaks.

I had a very bad cramp on my right calf last night, the kind of excruciating pain when I got off bed. So I waited until evening to test run. I trotted along. There was a big bruise on my right ITB where Andrew had executed his very deep tissue massage and done an ultra-sound for me. For the first time in I-can't-recall-since-when, the tension down the right knee was gone! I could bend my quads and flex and walk and stand without feeling the heaviness around the knee. Lightness!

But now I had another problem. Maybe the quad muscles holding up the knee were now imbalanced. So now I felt the pain over my front knee rather than the side. Hmmm...

20min run ok. 5min stretch. 5min run ok. Next 5min tightening started, over the front of my knee. It was like having an abductor cramp near the inner quad. 5min stretch. Further attempts to run lasted only 2-3min each before the pain forced me to stop. But thankfully today, none of the side acute pain that I kept having in the past weeks. Whew. Optimistic that the abductor and frontal knee pulls would be easier to treat than ITB.

Walked the rest of the distance home. Outer knee still felt 'loosened'. Great!

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