Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bt Timah Stairs

Alber nicely agreed to forego our ride and accompany me to Bt Timah today. We got there about 130pm, the place was cool and uncrowded. I had my pack at 21kg today, the heaviest I have ever carried! I must exploit my recent weight gain to full advantage. :( My trekking poles had been left aside for months, and we realised that 2 out of 4 could not lock properly. Argh. Still usable, without the 3rd extension. I would have to get it checked next week.

Summit - Rengas - Jungle Fall

Summit 3 sets: 3:25min, 3:27, 3:29 (descent avg 3min?)

Rengas 4 sets: 8:09, 9:02, 7:33, 7:07 (I think I drank up my water and the pack was getting lighter with each set.) Each descent took about 7min.

Jungle Fall 3 sets: 7:18, 7:30, 7:02. Descent about 4-5min

Legs and knees were wobbly. Pack was really heavy by the end. Shoulders sore. More training to come.

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