Sunday, November 23, 2008

Disastrous Sunday Run

This morning's FatBird pacer run was a disastrous. The penalty of being at BT trails yesterday. My legs felt like lead, I was reminded of the Gatorade ad where the chap was running and swimming with chains on feet. Absolutely dragging. It did not help that I spent the first 6km trying to catch up and overtake the pacer groups in front of me (I started 1-2min later). Either I was very very slow, or they were way over their target pace! My watch registered an average of 6:30min pace (and I should be at 7:00min target). If they were ahead of me, yet pacing a slower timing, then what pace were they at? Befuddled.

Met many along the way. First saw the Tampines Safra runners at Big Splash - the very skinny but fast lady, Sam and others. Then met Gabor, Michelle etc around B2/C1. Ahh, so KM was having the group's Sunday training at ECP too. He was on a bike with a huge stopwatch chaperoning the runners. How charming. At F2, Yellowfish gang was there doing a Nike Lunar shoe trial. Coach led the group on the run. Saw Eddie, Sandy, Kenneth, Kristal, Ronnie, Richard.... just about the folks who went up to Powerman.

Vincent joined me around the Changi PCN (he was also 5h pacer but had gone ahead with the 4:45h group). We made our way to the u-turn point at the 2nd hut along Coastal Road. I saw Dom cycling, and I think Alex too. The run started going downhill after the u-turn. Legs were getting heavier. I was wearing my new Asics GTs (a cool pastel pink! Awfully sweet!) and they were pounding heavily on the road. Sigh.

I made it to the toilet at G2. The weather was hot today, I drank a lot. Then I half-ran, half-walked to the next toilet at F2. Yellowfish folks had finished their run and were having drinks & bananas there. Jancy and Vincent ran ahead. Passion half-strolled, half-jogged with me to the hawker centre where she bought 100-plus. I kept asking her to go ahead and run back, but she very kindly walked with me instead. We stopped again near MacDonalds bike rental - I got a Pocari, she got an A&W rootbeer. I was near empty now, my fuel gauge was low low low. We walked and chatted all the way from hawker centre back to Big Splash! And took forever to reach. She had gone for the DSO lab tests too so we compared notes. We made plans for our de-kah (pork trotters) binge outing. :) When we reached Big Splash, it was almost 3:30h. Most people have left already. Oops. I felt so bad for spoiling her run.

Alber and I drove to BT market for brunch. I was famished and hot. Downed an entire plate of chicken noodles. Plus an ice-cold Ribena (and I normally did not take cold drinks). It was heavens. Kept gulping water after I reached home, and still felt super tired with a slight headache. Hit the sack and snoozed for a few hours. Awoke feeling much better, but hungry. Alber said my life was a constant sleep, eat, workout, sleep, eat, workout cycle. Haha.

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